Travel in Egypt 2007: crossing Libya (Part 2 and 8) : LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA

Carlo : africa : libyan arab jamahiriya : leptis magna, as sultan, tobruk, oasr libiya, apollonia, cirene is an exciting traveller community of the world

Travel in Egypt 2007: crossing Libya (Part 2 and 8)

Leptis Magna, As Sultan, Tobruk, Oasr Libiya, Apollonia, Cirene

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Travel in Egypt 2007: crossing Libya (Part 2 and 8)

Località: Leptis Magna, As Sultan, Tobruk, Oasr Libiya, Apollonia, Cirene
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This trip has been decided in a time of 24 hours: this year it was decided to make New Year in Spain and in January for a ride from Barcelona to Seville with some friends in Turin and in summer the UK, unfortunately after the feast of the end year we had to return home quickly, having been informed by our neighbor, for a gas leak for which they had to step in the Fire Department, after settling back to our failure was impossible to resume the journey home and find friends who had continued travel alone.
Tina by chance, my wife, Plein Air Act on an ad a couple of campers who was organizing a trip to Egypt, once the phone call, just send the program once the affirmative, and immediately the purchase of maps, guides and news searches on the trip, all in 24 hours.
We are ready ... ... ... ... let's go!!


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Tunisia/Libya border - Police station park -522/1131 - cloudy / sunny 22°C/ rainy

Continued from "EGYPT 2007" Part Two
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Leptis Magna - Camping - 343/1474 - cloudy / sunny / cloudy

Departure at 6.45, at 7 am we were on the Tunisian border, begin the long and bureaucratic practices, to make matters worse was a member of the group entry in Tunisia presented the identity card and passport, was in possession of passport but not to save him boiled, leaving Tunisia, the Customs shall affix a stamp that will serve for the entry into Libya, stamp that can not carry on their identity cards, after a fax to the authorities and the intervention of Luisa with attempted bribery finally after almost 4 hours everything magically unlocks.
TIP: Pay the stamp of the passport or use of the identity card
After the customs of Tunisia on the other side know our tour leader / guide Sofian who meanwhile had already done the different practices of the "carnet de passage" with the withdrawal of temporary plates, no longer from outside attacks as before but posted outside the dashboard and the other to finestrotto back.
Moves the clock forward an hour.
Free at last at 12.30 we leave the Libyan customs and we settled in the square next to the lunch.
Meanwhile, the campers hit last night he realizes that the damage from the shock are evident in the dark you could not see, but unfortunately you can not do anything to charge for the damage to the reckless driver.
We're back in a disorderly and chaotic traffic, the pit is hell on the highway from Tripoli, the drivers here are precipitated past you from left and right, but either are good or very lucky: their cars do not have bruises.
The landscape is beautiful palm trees, sand dunes with small shrubs, all but surrounded by paper and plastic bags, garbage collection is stacked on the borders of countries, then the wind scatters everywhere.
You get to Leptis Magna which are already the 20th, our guide takes us on a small campsite, where, finally, found the water and then later on the current, Tina can wash some clothing.
I am writing this diary when Tony knocks on the door to me and shows me a bottle of grappa, I never give up an offer like that and I rush, glass in hand, to taste this nectar of the gods, let's cheer in the end of the day and then to bed, tomorrow morning's visit to the excavations, beautiful and interesting but already seen in the previous trip, so tomorrow morning we will sleep more than usual.
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Sedra (Benghazi) - Mall parking - 522/1996 - sunny 23°C

For those who wanted to visit the ruins of Leptis Magna the appointment was for 8, we heard from them, then we got up calmly, coffee and refill water tanks, a short stroll around, buying the bread, the return of the company : departure.
As yesterday's chaotic and bumpy road, especially when crossing the settlements, then continues in a desert area with red soil and small bushes in a straight line rather boring were it not for overtaking from the right and left of these reckless drivers after lunch on the road surface becomes smoother with fewer holes, you travel more quickly.
As a stopover visit to the Sultan with statues of the brothers and the rest of Fileni arch with inscriptions of the Fascist era.
At 19.30 in the vicinity of Benghazi ask permission to stay near a seaside resort still closed, the guards make us settle in a parking lot of the complex.
Tomorrow we go to Tobruk.
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Tobruk - Hotel parking - 628/2624 - sunny

Depart 8 am, day of transfer through a barren desert with small bushes, it was through small towns with rumble bumps formed at times by simple cords of hemp made on the asphalt, the checkpoints are numerous, each time we stop, driving over the list of participants and then restarted. Continue dirt, plastic bags carried by the wind are everywhere, what could be a magnificent landscape is transformed into an open-air dumps, the street has a fund with a few discreet holes.
This evening I stopped in a major hotel Tobruk where he could fill up with water, but nothing current, after a nice shower almost everyone in a restaurant, good-looking but unpretentious where we dined well, a big fish baked with all the trimmings, the wine we brought us all the modest cost of 27 dinars (16 €)
Come back to sing all the sea from our famous mountain "Tony".
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Salum - along seaside - 164/2788 - sunny

Departure at 8.30, first visited the German cemetery of the fallen, a massive square building with four towers with no window, atrium Tony, with his cap and I with the mountain of the snipers fex, he recited a prayer for the fallen was a very touching gesture, in the large courtyard with arches along the walls the names of the fallen (7000) written with platelets mosaic.
Second visit: the cemetery English and Polish, but much smaller crop and well kept, and finally to the French cemetery with his cross of Lorraine.
The Italian no longer exists because the bodies were taken to the Italy for some time.
We're back to the border Libyan / Egyptian, we first diesel is cheaper in Libya and Egypt agreed to do so full even if not necessary.
Exit from Libya us hurry fast: Make temporary plates and with little practice in less than an hour we are free, and lunch and in the meantime removed the CB because Egypt has banned the use, unfortunately in the Egyptian customs matters are more complicated: in addition to the various documents they want to see the numbers of chassis and engine, luckily i other Iveco Fiat and Ford, we have requested the necessary data that are not noted on the vehicle registration document, we deliver the new plates to be affixed on ours, after all the red tape we emerged from customs at 18.00, the last person that will stop before the last gate is un'ufficiale: I I offer him my passport, he rejects them, and hands me his right hand, we shake hand and says "welcome" ... ... ... this is a good sign of hospitality.
We know our companions are:
Aiman: will be our official guide
Atef: Group Leader, who was also driving
Ghead: Our tour leader who will practice
Hamed: The driver of the SUV
Over a plainclothes policeman who will change every region
A police car with 2 to 5 armed men who will follow us everywhere
Now it's late and walk to the border town that will host for the night, come down from a hill, we see the sun set: a bay with calm seas and the houses lit ... ... ... .. very nice, unfortunately I can not stop to take some pictures.
Just outside the city stop at a beach, our guide forbids us to move: do not go to sea and not to proceed to the city, being a border country of the movement is very limited, the police will stop immediately, in addition to the guards there are a bunch of semi-wild dogs which move not inspire much confidence, surges in the CB.

Continue on "Egypt 2007" Part Three
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Marsa Matruh - parking along the seaside - 502/8486 - sunny / cloudy

Continued from "Egypt 2007" Part Seven

6 am departure, traffic still quiet, we leave Cairo without problems, the machinery of the guides there Atef, not even said goodbye when he left us: he was very rude.
After diesel, you get to El Natrun to visit the monastery of Bishoy Coptic beauty and appeal explained and described by a Monaco in Arabic and translated by Aiman, we found that Monaco would have preferred to speak English with any of us and not to depend on a Muslim.
The visits were completed in Egypt now goes to the border, you stop for the night at Marsa Matruh, along the sea near the beach where we stopped Rommel in the going, our guides in the first place we had been proposed for the night a barren field full of dirt on the outskirts of the city, our representations have been chosen for this place.
Now Tina with other took two taxis and went to town, still hurts the foot is better than the effort if not for things or interesting visits, I just hope we do not spend too much.
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Tobruk (Libya) - Hotel parking - 378/8864 – sunny / rainy - sandstorm

Yesterday evening I was fine, and Tina has not spent anything, did not find what you wanted.
Departure at 8 direction Saloum border Egyptian / Libyan without running we arrived at noon, Ghead had come first to prepare the documents necessary to pass customs, but not for out of Egypt and into Libya, where we expect Sofian, there are took 3.30 hours.
At Customs, we crossed another company of Italians, 12 campers, carrying out our own with our own tour guides, some of us knew some of the other group participants and were greeted by a grid that divided the entry el ' from Egypt.
As expected thing happened very ridiculous that we campers: climbing over mountains of garbage we were in a bin, empty, to deposit our garbage, many people watched us, smiling, I hope it is their example.
Finally free of the Egyptian police, escorted by Sofian and a single policeman we headed towards Tobruk, as we stopped overnight at the hotel that has hosted the first leg.
In recent days had led to discussion among the crews of campers who were in the queue and those who were among the first places, those behind were accused of slow travel and not be able to keep it compact group I (No. 6) I stated several times that for elastic effect: those behind can not keep the pace of the first, there's always un'impedimento you slow down and return to the group you run over the speed of the first, and the risk that goes with it, my proposal, as I had done in other trips, it was of alternatives: the first of today, tomorrow will be the last, so that everyone understands what it means to be rolling in front and staying behind and act accordingly. Cape Luisa has talked with some people asking for advice only, the crew No. 2 annoyed at its discretion, at the start of yesterday was spent in the queue, now the No. 3 team has put behind No. 2 , Cape Louise was keen to point out that this was not done by his order for an initiative but arbitrary two crews, in fact this is no longer needed, the traffic is almost zero and being behind or in front does not change anything, anyway Everything was a spark that blew up a discussion between me and Tina, we proposed that the rotation of posts and the wife of No. 2, I hope to finish here not to break the harmony that had prevailed so far, not least because want to quarrel with Super Bruno, the husband, the person that I admire very much, not for what he did to help me or to others, but for the person herself.
During the trip in Libya we have stumbled into a storm of sand and water, the fog was worse, a side wind moved the camper, the windshield was dirty water mixed with sand, afraid to run the windshield wipers that could scratch the glass, Then, spraying so much water I decided to make them work, fortunately, everything went better giving me a chance to see the road, then over the sand around the water clean, making it clear visibility.
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Apollonia - Excavations parking - 288/9152 - sunny / cloudy

Starting at 7, the two rebels returned to their positions, everything back as before, the better.
First stop for a visit to Oasr Libiya a few kilometers there are the ruins of two Byzantine basilicas, the first with its beautiful columns are still intact, the second half-destroyed by this position can see the sea, today moved, waves dashing against the rocks , a beautiful spectacle.
Second visit to Apollonia, maritime port of Cyrene, soon extended the visit was short, returned to the camper, parked in the parking lot of the archaeological site, we had lunch.
Visit to Cyrene, about three hours walked down to the temple of Apollo and then up along the road that runs alongside the archaeological site at the entrance to the box office was closed so we went without pay, but when We got to the camper the man, who at the time of our entrance was at prayer, has intercepted and received due (3 dinars per person plus 10 to photograph).
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Sultan - 753/9905 - museum parking - cloudy / rainy

Transfer day long, too many miles, there was also a quarrel between us and the No. 9 that served as a broom delayed by several overtaking, I was distanced from the group and he urged me to CB to accelerate the pace , I was already over 110, my medium and heavy tanks filled from the reserves is not very fast and also applies to traffic chaos in the good sense not to make risky overtaking, Tina has responded badly, I was sorry for everything this, I was heartened by the idea that others in the group gave me a reason.
We parked in the museum that we visited in the going.
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Tripoli - 511/10416 - Parking in the green square - rainy / sunny

It rained all night, starting at 7.30, traffic, road undulated and full of holes, Gino after taking a full hole, he heard a noise at the front wheel: first he thought he had drilled then found that all tires were intact , he continued, but the noise continued, again a break, new control, there is no damage occurred again, the noise is gone: it was probably a stone that was stuck inside the wheel which was then disconnected or ground.
After another 100 miles and stop for lunch we arrived in Tripoli Green Square, stop at the parking lot of a large hotel that has been used in a subsidy-driven visit to Libya in recent years, a brief visit to the souks and back to the camper, the foot remains hurt and swell a lot.
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Metameur - 300/10716 - Private parking - cloudy / sunny

Departure at 7, you go to Sabra with its Roman ruins, many of the group are visiting this site very interesting, as we have already seen, and we rest, Tina used the opportunity to buy carpets in a small shop where the seller Fluent in the Italian having been several years in Italy.
We're back to 15 during the drive, unfortunately, a stone thrown, I can not tell whether a person or a car, I broke the glass in the corner of the windshield: I heard a bang and a cloud of splinters me hit in the face, luckily I was wearing sunglasses and I did not hit his eyes, radio Tina Louise warned that halted the column, immediately rushed Luciano and Tony with transparent adhesive tape and to strengthen the silver and brown have held the hole, so they can leave without problems, would have been much worse if the glass had been struck the central one.
We stop in a small but picturesque village on a hill and on top of the village we park in the courtyard of an ancient building typical of the place where we find water and electricity.
In the evening we celebrate the birthday of Angela and Emmanuel, that they have made in recent days, but there was an opportunity to celebrate with the last bottle of wine and prosecco, a cake, the developed pavesini and dried fruit, the inevitable resumption of our television operator Luciano was smiling in the evening past, Carl has praised a poem dedicated to all of us, jokingly, gave us a gift in rhyme, as a good Tuscan was a good speaker, Tony with the supervision of Jim and Rita for the literary part of Silvana and graphics, presented his work on parchment, listing the stages of our fabulous trip.

Continue on "Egypt 2007" Part 9
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